Wel­come to Wom­en’s Ministry

We want every woman to con­nect with God, His Word, and oth­er women who will help them grow! Shad­ow Moun­tain Women is designed for women of all ages to belong to an authen­tic Christ-cen­tered church com­mu­ni­ty where they will expe­ri­ence growth and life change through the Word of God.

“For the equip­ping of the saints for the work of ser­vice, to the build­ing up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the uni­ty of faith, and the knowl­edge of the Son of God, to a mature woman (man), to the mea­sure of the stature which belongs to the full­ness of Christ.” Eph­esians 4:12-13